Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I've scheduled a couple more sessions of 408 for next week, and almost made some overlap since subjects are required to come back at the same time next day. So, we have to be extra careful.


4:30 - 6:30pm

Today I ran 17 people on 445.

445 and 407

it was very stressful having 2 experiments at the same time.
i ran 8 subjects for 445 and 4 subjects for 407.
all these subjects were scheduled to begin at 1:30-2.

i didnt fill out the payment slips for 445 completely so the department called Noriko.
the department also said that they didnt have the amounts.

i was in a rush, so i didnt right down the amounts of the 2 people i gave the slips.
but they were both under 3 dollars. after the call, i stopped giving out the slips.

i left at 3 at Shanna took over

445 @_@

Chaos. Simply chaos.

Our problems included the following:
-having virtually everyone come in early/late and having to wait
-accidently assigning subjects to the wrong conditions
-somehow missing or skipping certain subject numbers (always, always, always tell everyone to READ THE INSTRUCTION BEFORE CLICKING "START")... if you need to restart them, you can't use the number again so some of them are skipped
-the dept. calling us about the money slips some people have been taking to them. The condition where the subjects get money is NOT working out for us... not only have we had issues with the slips themselves (Jane was too rushed to fill them all out properly), we're not actually keeping track of how much everyone is getting and if/when they get it
-running them through the wrong experiment (I almost ran a girl through 445 instead of 407, because I thought we were done with 407 for the day)... I can't guarantee that we didn't accidently run someone through the wrong experiment today though... =\

408: Emily and I are running Fri/Sat sessions this week from 11-5 (last subject at 4:00). We're having some problems with the Excel sheet, in that the "Cumulative Bad" column stops adding the proper cells together at 261... We changed some manually but can't figure out how to get it to do it automatically.

I am so high-tailing it out of here as soon as Pierce steps in the door.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1:00 - 6:00pm

Today I ran 7 subjects in their 2nd session of 407. Not problems at all. I like this experiment because it's so darn short.

CrossMod Improvement and Mistake

2:00 - 4:00 PM

Today, I made a modified, "improved" version of the CrossMod test. Between words, the background changes to a light blue, and the word "Wait" is displayed. The motivation behind this is that in the old experiment subjects may have been confused as to when words ended and began. This was because the pause time didn't seem to be long enough. The new pause is 2000 milliseconds.

Interestingly enough though, it turns out the pause time between words in the old experiment was incorrect! Due to a bug, the wait time between words was 500 milliseconds, not 1700 milliseconds as originally planned. This definitely could have led to some confusion for subjects. However, Jason J said the results from 80 subjects had them score around %60, statistically well above average, and just below the scores in the Conway/Christiansen paper. Even with the difficulty of the short pause, the experiment was a success. If tried again with the appropriate pause, or with the "Wait" screen, results very well may be better.

I did fix the older version, so now the pauses between words are 1700 milliseconds.

Both of the files "CrossMod" and "CrossModImp" are located in my folder "JM" in Jason's folder on the server.


Monday, February 26, 2007


i ran 7 people on 407 swirl consolidation experiment.
this was session 1..

so tomorrow these 7 people are going to come back at the same time to do session 2 of the experiment.

pierce..remember to give the subjects the questionaire to fill out and to assign them 2 credits when they finish tomorrow!

jason...the experiment doesnt run on the computer in booth A.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday DDR

All 3 subjects came in on time so today went smoothly. Next week, we don't have any 408 subjects at all since we're running 445 and 407. We're at 17 subjects for 408 right now but 445 and 407 are both short so hopefully we'll rack up the numbers quickly on those. Scheduling needs to be worked out between Pierce, Sherry, Emily, and I for further 408... we'll probably talk about it with Jason early next week. Other than that, no news to report. Good luck on midterms!


Friday, February 23, 2007

DDR 408

1:30 - 6:30pm

Today I ran 3 subjects on 408.

Looking at Sherry's post I see that something strange occured. Regarding #4, it seems Subject 11, AF came in last friday and already completed the experiment whereas DDT didn't show up. This is quite a coincidence because I just saw a guy come in, I ran him through the experiment, and everything seemed fine. It seems that DDT was scheduled but didn't show up and instead AF showed up early. I'm going to give credit to AF for coming last week, and DDT has already been penalzied accordingly.

Whoever was here on tuesday at 10:00, can you confirm that DHK did not come in? They don't have any subject data on them, I'm assuming they didn't come in.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


yesterday and today i ran 5 subjects on the new experiment...445

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

DDR 408

I'm running subjects now (plan to run 3 from 11-2).

While I was looking through the data, double checking if all keyed in correctly, a couple questions arise.

1. Subjects #8 and #10 didn't show up for their session 2, should we go ahead and delete their first session data from Excel data base?

2. Subject #2 session 1 trial #1 has a question mark for score. What should we do with it to avoid later confusions when perform data analysis?

3. In Experimetrix, subjects with initials DDT (scheduled Friday 2/16 5:30-6:30) and DHK (Tuesday 2/20 10:00-11:00am) are assigned 2 credits already, but their names are not on our sign in sheet.

4. Subject #11 initial AF, has completed both sessions and data is keyed in, but the name is not on our Experimetrix 408.

5. The subjects I'm running right now seem to have their 2 credits assigned already after completion of their first session.

Just a FYI

I'm trading off my hours this Saturday for part of my Wednesday (I have a study session for a midterm) and my Friday this week. This means I'll have the full Monday and Wednesday hours (1-6pm) next week. Most likely I'll get the training on the new experiments tomorrow (Wed) and, if necessary, Monday.

Edit: My Mon/Wed hours are 1 to 6, not 12 to 6.

P.S. People who are running first session 408 (DDR consolidation) should make sure to remind all subjects that they need to return at the same time the following day. This is probably especially important for Friday, since we're not usually open Saturdays.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Experiment Notes

Pierce will run the DDR Consolidation study this Friday. Shanna will run these subjects in session 2 on Saturday.
At other times we will be running new experiments.
407 is another consolidation experiment affectionately called "Swirl". It requires back-to-back days of participation. Please see me to be trained on running this experiment ASAP.
445 is a sequence-learning experiment, codename: "PreRetro". It is a one-session experiment with four different conditions, and you the experimenter will be in charge of making sure each subject is given the correct condition. Please see me to be trained on running this experiment ASAP.
Both of these experiments are very short, and as a result I may schedule MANY subjects per hour if we have enough participant demand, so be prepared.
The Experimetrix password is the same as all other experiments. Please check all possible experiments at the beginning of each of your shifts so you know which students to expect for which experiments.
Thanks everybody!
Today I ran 3 subjects in the DDR consolidation experiment, but I accidentally skipped subject 12 when assigning the subjects numbers, so the list of names will not match the subject data. The subject listed as 12 on the sign in sheet is actually subject 13, the subject listed as 13 is 14, and the subject listed as 14 is number 12. Sorry for the confusion!

CrossMod is Complete!

2:00 - 4:30 PM

Today I put the finishing touches on the CrossMod experiment. The sequences display just fine, and at the end, you get a nice dataFile written to the database, which Excel can read if you save it as a .dat file. I added a sound check to the first slide, as well. Pending Jason J's approval tomorrow, this experiment should be ready for subjects to start taking over the internet.

~Jason M.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yesterday (Saturday) I ran 2 subjects (the 3:30 subject didn't show up) on the DDR consolidation. Everything seems to be going well so far, except for the no-show.

Friday, February 16, 2007

1:30 - 6:30pm

Today I ran 3 people on E408. The first guy canceled because he couldn't come in on saturday. Next week we start a new experiment in the booths, should be interesting.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


i ran subjects for 392 dimensions in learning experiment yesterday and today.
i think we are finished with this one and starting a new one next week.


i ran subjects for 392 dimensions in learning experiment yesterday and today.
i think we are finished with this one and starting a new one next week.


i ran subjects for 392 dimensions in learning experiment yesterday and today.
i think we are finished with this one and starting a new one next week.


i ran subjects for 392 dimensions in learning experiment yesterday and today.
i think we are finished with this one and starting a new one next week.

To The Web!

2:00 - 5:00

Today Jason J set up the files to put the experiment on the web. You can now go online and take the most recent version of the test. The datafile is formatted correctly, and the shapes are now the actual shapes we're going to use. I'm not sure if the data is being recorded correctly or not, but to me, it looks great.

~Jason M.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


There wasn't a whole lot going today but I did schedule myself for Saturday the 24th (1pm - 6pm) to run second session DDR consolidation subjects. I will probably trade off my Monday hours for it, but haven't decided. In other news, I'm getting a lot better at DDR both from watching people play and playing myself during down times.

Happy Singles Awareness Day! (Apparently, Singles' Bitterness Day for some people. O.o)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

DDR: First 2nd sessions complete

Today I ran 4 subjects on the DDR consolidation experiment. They were all on their 2nd session and it seemed like they all improved on their previous scores. Soon we'll have a lot of good data to look at.

I'll be in on Wednesday to close up 392!

Data Files

2:00 - 4:30

Today I talked with Jason J about how to record the data from the CrossMod experiment. The data displays nicely for both training and testing sets of data. I'm not sure if, to make the tables clean, we want to fill the short words with zeros or put them at the end of the table? Now we have to save the data somewhere...

~Jason M.

Monday, February 12, 2007

DDR: Day One

Emily and I ran 4 subjects today... No forseeable problems; everything's going smoothly thus far. It's taking between 30 and 40 minutes for each subject. If Pierce is in at 1 on Tuesday, he and I can squeeze in another Mon/Tues next week and bump up our numbers. I think Emily signed on for Saturday this week and I can do Saturday next week if we're desperate for subjects. Other than that, we're closing up 392 this week and I believe the last ones are on Wednesday. W00t.


today i ran 12 subjects on the dimensions of learning.
i played ddr during the breaks..
it was fun.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Thursday 12-5 -> yesterday

A very productive day for me. The computer lab is set up so nicely; each is connected with two monitors, so i could search online for matlab commands and other information on one while running it on the other.

I'm able to plot the 20 data points with best fitting line through them (with any desired color, symboles for the points, and solid/dotted/dashed line...etc)

In addition, I was very excited to found a tool called 'curve fitting tool', which not only plot best fitting line and residules (you can choose what degree polynomial you want and how big the confidence interval you want), but also perform basic analysis, including Goodness of Fit, least square error for each degree of polynomial you entered.

I will go in on Tuesday and Wednesday 10-2 for the DDR experiment!



Today I ran 14 people in the Dimensions of Learning Experiment.

Next week we start the DDR consolidation experiment, exciting stuff.

Running Saturday?

Pierce, Emily, Shanna,

Let me know if you could be here to run subjects Saturday the 17th, 1pm-6pm. In addition to DDR, I have an additional 2-day experiment to run, and if we could do Friday-Saturday sessions, we could get a lot of those done really efficiently. If you want, Pierce you could trade those hours off against your Wednesday hours, Shanna your Monday hours and Emily your Wednesday/Thursday hours.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Final Stretch

1:50 - 5:00

Most of the issues in CrossMod left after Tuesday are taken care of. Variables are randomly maped to stimuli, the test cases are mixed, and they display in random order. I wrote preliminary test instructions, and cleaned up the general look of the experiment. (i.e. buttons are in the same place.)

Still to do:
Scan in shapes from the Conway/Christiansen paper to use
Edit test instructions
Implement how to record data to a file
Clean up code (very low priority)

~Jason M.


i ran subjects today. someone came and replaced the computer in booth A.
im glad that there would be 3 computers for 3 people for every hour so that people dont have to wait anymore.
we ran more than 100 subjects!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Wow... we were filled up in every single time slot today. Bad time for the computer in room A to go on the fritz. We made do, though, by rotating people. They didn't mind waiting after I told them it wouldn't take the whole hour. Friday is completely filled up as well, with every spot in every slot filled. (Have fun, Pierce.) Hopefully the computer in A will be up and running by then.

Doing research on attention/serial reaction time/eye tracking for a new experiment. Will have that up either today or Friday. Monday: starting DDR project.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Crossmod Learning - Random!

2:00 - 5:30 PM

Today I made lots of progress on the Crossmod program. The training blocks are now randomly ordered, and it will display as many as you want before moving on to Testing.

Still to do: Randomly mapping sounds & shapes to the 2 grammars
Mixing Test words, not randomly
Displaying test blocks randomly
Writing Instructions
Recording Input to a data file

~Jason M.

1:00pm - 6:00pm

Today I ran 11 subjects on the Dimensions of learning experiment.

I also helped Emily show Sherry how to run experiments in the DDR memory consolidation experiment. Also, we're at 86 subjects for the Dimensions of learning experiment, we're going to switch to another one very soon. Other than that, a very low key day.



Emily and Pierce showed me the run through of this DDR experiment, (thank you guys!) and I'll start running subjects next week.

And I did some research on sleep memory (by Robert Stickgold and Mattew Walker).
My concern is how do we know that their improvment is due to sleep memory consolidation instead of simply the fact that they had practice (second time of doing it vs first). Also, is 12 songs enough of practice to invoke sleep memory consolidation.

Monday, February 5, 2007

DDR (408) experiment

Data sheets are ready (will print extra before we begin running) and so are the Excel documents. We still need to work out the schedule so that we can have people here on days there are back-to-back subjects. Our biggest hurdle right now is Thursday afternoon. Since Pierce is here on Tuesdays from 1-6, we can definitely do M-W ones till 6 since I'm in on Mondays and Wednesdays... we're also both here on Friday but it leaves that Thurs gap. We'll figure it out.

Again, I'm pretty much in the lab afternoons on MWF. I can start at noon and go till 6 (or later) if necessary.
Today we figured out how to attach the PS2 to the TV, and went over the forms that we will be using to collect data during the experiment. We also scheduled experiments for Monday the 12th at 2, 3, and 4pm, which will continue on Tuesday at the same times. I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon looking for papers on sleep memory consolidation.

Friday, February 2, 2007

DDR Consolidation is ready


Today I ran 8 subjects on the Dimensions of learning experiment.

Jason and I finalized just about everything that we needed to with the DDR experiment(hand held edition), we ran through a practice run and everything looks good. I picked some funky songs, tested the universal cable, edited the spreadsheet, and polished the instructions sheet.

Next week we might even be able to start running subjects.


-post of research articles up
-lots of subjects today... wonder why that is
-Monday: DDR project? lots of subjects for 392 on Mon as well

Thursday, February 1, 2007


11 - 5pm

The longest day I've been staying in the lab since the beginning of this quarter. It's cus as a computer idiot, I started learning Flash today. Seeing what Jason AND Jason have been doing made me realize how much computer knowledge I'm lack of. But overall, it's a good start today. I now able to do the most foundamental graphics, and understanding other functions Flash is able to perform.

Basics done, onto randomizing

2:00 - 5:30 PM

The program now displays blocks of words with no problem, and moves on to new blocks for subsequent display sessions. Sound is working now, too. The words are hard-coded into the program, which I wouldn't have liked to do, but it's easier. I now have to change things around so when we're in the training segment, the blocks are displayed 6 times, with random order for words each time; in the test segment, only test on 10 words.

~Jason M

Running subjects

I ran 8 subjects in the Dimensions of Learning (circle) v3 experiment yesterday.
Continuing to do the same today..
: )

thoughts on DDR

We need to consider the beats per minute (I think listed as rpm) and song speed for the songs we use in the experiment. I ran through some random songs and speed is something I think we need to control for. There are some songs that maintain the same beat but there's a couple (I found at least one) which slows down and speeds up again. We may want to avoid this (these) songs.

Also, we might want to consider the number of correct 'steps' in proportion to the number of total steps for each song. I noticed some songs had a lot more steps, even when ranked the same difficulty, but didn't pay attention to the corresponding RPM's of them. Something to look into.

Will do more work regarding this project on Friday; also hopefully finish up the research on the mathematical psych/serial positioning articles.
