Tuesday, February 6, 2007



Emily and Pierce showed me the run through of this DDR experiment, (thank you guys!) and I'll start running subjects next week.

And I did some research on sleep memory (by Robert Stickgold and Mattew Walker).
My concern is how do we know that their improvment is due to sleep memory consolidation instead of simply the fact that they had practice (second time of doing it vs first). Also, is 12 songs enough of practice to invoke sleep memory consolidation.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

If you look at the data from a test run, you'll see that the learning curves reflects a peak and fatigue, even though it was only over half an hour. So, this amount of practicing will generate improvement regardless of the sleep. Of course, there will be other variables affecting it.

I think we'll see a solid correlation between hours of sleep and improvement. It should be quite interesting.